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Siobhan joins the Distil team fresh out of graduation robes, ready to apply a degree’s worth of Communication Design skills to your communication challenges. Siobhan is already making the most of agency life, exploring different design styles across brands and formats and experiencing the thrill of seeing their work come to life in the real world.  

Previously a competitive Irish dancer, we know Siobhan is truly talented from their head to twinkling toes. With the dance shoes retired, their creativity has found a fresh outlet in mixed media artworks, sustainable fashion and a myriad of crafts and hobbies. Working in a brewery throughout uni, Siobhan is finding the experience has given them a better understanding of how venues work behind the scenes to be able to deliver strong outcomes for clients.  

We can’t wait to see more of Siobhan’s work, and their Irish dancing, as they flourish in their career with Distil.  
