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How to Develop a Landing Page for Social Media that Converts

How to Develop a Landing Page for Social Media that Converts

The homepage just won’t do when directing traffic to your website on social media. Landing pages are part of your wider marketing strategy, and on social media, they are created with the needs of the ‘follower’ in mind.

The interactions that someone makes on social media are far different from when they simply land on your website via Google. They’re accessing your website because you’ve led them there; to a deal, to an exclusive offer, to an event, to your *new* menu & booking page. Where they land, determines if they will convert into paying customers.

How to Create a Landing Page

Or rather… what even is a landing page?

If you don’t understand the terminology, don’t fret -- unless you’re a digital marketer, this term doesn’t often pop up in day-to-day conversation. Essentially, it’s a web page built for a specific purpose beyond the website build. The purpose is conversion, and rather than reading like a website would, with multiple links & information, it is focused on a topic & action for the visitor to take.

This is not only powerful, but absolutely necessary, when creating paid advertisements for social media. When you promise an offer or a ticketed event, you’re much more likely to make the sale when the page doesn’t have all the other distractions of a website (i.e. navigation bar, blog section, contact page).

6 Ways to Optimise Your Landing Page for Social Media

Only promote one offer

The reason for a landing page, over a regular website, is that users aren’t distracted to browse and move away from the offer at hand. A landing page is straight to the point, and promotes only one business offering. For example:

  • An event / ticket sales
  • A guide to summer festivals
  • A cocktail making eBook

When combining all of these offers on the one page, most people will be overwhelmed by options and instead of handing over credit card details or an email address, they’ll opt to exit the site or navigate away to a non-salesy page.

Be social platform-specific

Adapt the landing page to suit the social platform. Pinterest is more aspirational and image-heavy, so rely on that when creating the page, and include quotes, branded imagery and inspirational copy. On Facebook, you may want to leverage a simple page to grow your email list by keeping all the important info above the fold.

Remember, with social media, many follow without the intention of buying. It’s up to you to make it easy for a lurker to engage with your brand further by accessing a webpage for a specific purpose.

Social proof

According to digital marketer Neil Patel, social proof is “the marketing tactic for easing the minds of worried customers”. He’s pretty clear on your social proof being a huge part of your landing page, too. You know someone is close to making a purchase? The closest they can get? Influence creates conversions.

Testimonials and reviews enhance trust. Although as Patel says, “not all social proof is created equal”. Your reviews need to be from real people, not anonymous visitors. Give a name and a face to your testimonials on your landing pages.

Write for your target audience

Your landing page doesn’t have to serve everyone and anyone that may walk through your venue’s doors. This is another chance to target based on demographics, geographic location, likes, needs and preferences.

Landing pages for social media are especially effective with advertising targeting capabilities in play. Chances are, whoever your audience is, you can get access to them via Facebook advertising. You can target them based on the when & where (Location), but also the what (Behaviour, Interests) and the who (Demographics, Connections).

Use it as a branding experience

Social media is all about sharing and viewing images. When creating a landing page to be shared on social media, the same rules apply. Visuals = effective.

You can do this in a variety of ways, but your main purpose should be to make a regular lurker or browser pause and take the time to look around (just as they would in a physical shop). Be consistent across all of your digital platforms and create landing page offers that are aligned with your marketing strategy on the whole.

Social media sharing

The same tactics apply to landing pages as social media networks. Quality over quantity. If you want your landing page further shared across social, make sure the widgets you use on the page are a representation of your audience.

For example, your main clientele may be young people between 18-25 that love R&B music in Sydney, but you only offer the option to share your landing page to LinkedIn. Or, when someone wants to share the link with a friend to Facebook, the information reads wrong and an image of your logo appears instead.

Optimise the sharing options to how many are on offer. Quick Sprout did a study on landing pages for social media and found that even though only 9% of people clicked on “social media sharing” buttons, that there was a greater chance of sharing when their were less options on offer.


Want to learn more about high-converting landing pages, made specifically for social media? Contact us to chat through your options.

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