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5 Tips for an Effective Signup Form

5 Tips for an Effective Signup Form

Ever wonder why your inbox is always full of promo emails? That's because email newsletter is one of the most powerful tools for communication. If you are looking to grow your email list but unsure where to start, the first and best place to look at this is your newsletter sign-up form. 

Often overlooked, a well-designed sign-up form will encourage more people to subscribe to your campaign and increase engagement. There are plenty of ways to improve your sign-up form but what would be the most effective way to do it without overwhelming your audience?

We have put together a list of top 5 ways to help you build your customer database in style. 


1. Create a free giveaway and make it prominent on your form

Now, who doesn't love a freebie? A free giveaway is a great way to grab someone's attention, encourage them to sign up to your campaign and make them more comfortable handing over their personal information (it's all about give and take!).

You giveaway can be up to your imagination: a generous discount for first purchase if you are running an online shop, a coupon for free entree if you are a hospitality venue or a free content ebook if you provide general services.

Whatever it may be, be sure to make it visible and appealing.

Sign up form example from Johnny Bigg website

Sydney Design Social's Graphic Design for Johnny Bigg

Sign up form example from Sydney Design Social

Sign up form example from Sydney Design Social



2. K.I.S.S (Keep It Super Simple)

Don't overwhelm your subscribers with lots of fields and questions. No one likes being asked too many personal questions. When it comes to an effective sign up form, less is more and minimal is often the best place to start. From the number of fields, to the colour schemes and even the language you use on your form, everything should be straightforward and easy on the eyes.

Sydney Design Social's Web Design for Coogee Wine Room

Sydney Design Social's Web Design for Coogee Wine Room



3. Boost your design with colours, images and graphic 

Ok, we just told you that simple is better. But that doesn't mean your sign-up form should be boring. In fact, adding images and certain colours can help enhancing your form visually and bring a unique flair to your design. It's also a wonderful way to give a sneak peak of your products and give subscribers a glimpse at what to expect from your newsletter.

Sign up form example from Sydney Design Social

Sign up form example from Sydney Design Social

Sign up form from Refinery29

Sign up form example from Refinery29 website



4. Include an AWESOME Call To Action

When it comes to an AWESOME call to action, try to stay away from generic expressions such as “Send” or “Subscribe”. They are fine to be used in many different situations but a punchy, powerful, and striking call to action will take your sign-up form to the next level and prompt your audience to engage more. An AWESOME call to action is one to reinforce the incentive or benefit that you are offering to your customers. 

Sydney Design Social's Web Design for Grand Central Hotel

Sydney Design Social's Web Design for Grand Central Hotel

Sign up form example from Medium Magazine

Sign up form example from Medium Magazine



5. Location, location, location

Last but not least, the location of the form can also play a very crucial part on prompting people to sign up. If you are placing it on your website, make sure to assign a prime location for your form. Don't bury your form under a ton of information, it should be a spot where the eyes naturally fall and easy to locate. 

The best locations that we found are:

Below the header

Sign up form example from Sydney Design Social website

Sign up form example from Sydney Design Social website


Top of the side bar

Sign up form example from Hubspot website

Sign up form example from Hubspot website


After post content

Sydney Design Social's Web Design for Que Bar

Sydney Design Social's Web Design for Que Bar


A pop-up form

Sign up form example from Shutterstock website

Sign up form example from Shutterstock website


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