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Instagram Trends for 2020

Instagram Trends for 2020

New Year's resolutions don't always have to be personal - it can be the perfect opportunity for you to refocus key social media messages for your business and find new, innovative ways to reach your audience.

With Instagram having more than 1 billion monthly active users and by far the fastest growing social media platform in 2019, put the spark back into your feed this New Year with the following insights and upcoming trends for 2020.


We saw a big growth in the use of Instagram stories in 2019 - and you can bet your bottom dollar that you'll continue to see more in 2020.

Instagram stories have evolved from more than little updates on daily activities. The platform is now super interactive with the use of stickers, polls, countdowns, external links and much more to engage with your audience, making it a great source of customer feedback.

Stories are now seen as an active extension of your brand - utilise this by saving stories as highlights on your page, keeping in theme with your general Instagram feed and by using a mix of photos and video.

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Save It For Later

Want to rank higher and get seen by more people on Instagram? Start focussing on getting more saves and more shares on your posts and stories.

Instagram likes have not only been hidden across numerous countries, but they also mean very little in terms of where your post ranks in your followers' feed and on Instagrams' featured search tab.

  • More saves will rank your post higher in your followers' feeds.
  • More shares will give you a greater overall reach, impressions and profile visits. This will also give you a higher chance of being featured in Instagrams search feed.

How do you get more saves and shares? Think about why you save or share content with your friends. You ultimately need to create content with your followers intentions in mind - who are the people who are going to share/save this content, and what  is going to make them share/save this content.


Instagram has made it possible for you to follow hashtags, allowing you to see niche content from a bunch of different users across Instagram (go look at #cheeseporn).

How is this useful to your business? Think again about how your target audience interacts with Instagram - who would be interested in seeing the type of content you create/who do you want to see your content and what hashtags would these people be following? 

Include a variety of these hashtags at the end your post copy and make sure to mix up your hashtags post to post - Instagram will rank your posts lower if you continue to use the same hashtags in a specific order.

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Augmented Free-ality

Augmented reality (AR) filters were first made popular by the Snapchat app (RIP thot-dog filter), recently adopted by Instagram and taken to the next level.

Spark AR Studio is a free software program, recently developed to allow you to create a personal or branded AR filter for your business from your Mac or PC.

These filters can be used to further extend your brand on Instagram, letting users share stories with your filter and allowing other people to view your page.

With Spark AR Studio launching in the back-end of 2019, we are going to see a surge of these filters over the next year (especially with major brands). To someone with no 3D animation experience the app is going to be very daunting, however there are businesses which specialise in creating this and can cater to your needs.

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Take this New Year to try new things with your Instagram campaigns. Look back at what has worked for you in the past and apply some of these new ideas to your strategy to grow your brand in 2020.

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