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The SDS Team's Work From Home Tips

The SDS Team's Work From Home Tips

Everyone and their mum is working from home at the moment. The SDS team takes you into their WFH setups and top tips to have a productive day.

Jess - Senior Social Media Manager

Describe your WFH space

When I started WFH I sat on the floor in front of the coffee table but that had to end pretty quickly and now I set up my dining table every morning.


What's your top WFH tip?

Take a proper lunch break and get outside for fresh air. Coffee is a must and so is music!

What social account/platform is keeping you occupied?

I hate to admit it but I am obsessed with TikTok! I don't post anything myself but spend hours looking at dog videos.

Have you picked up any new hobbies during iso?

 I am baking and cooking a lot - the goal is to learn how to make sourdough! Oh and I am picking up my new puppy in 2 weeks which should keep me busy.

What's your favourite hospo initiative/response to Coronavirus?

I am so impressed by the industry, how creative venues have been and how quickly they adapted but I especially love how distilleries like Archie Rose turned to producing hand sanitiser.

When everything's back to normal, what venue will you visit first?

I will start with a mini martini at Maybe Sammy followed by dinner at Alberto’s Lounge and finish with a nightcap at The Baxter Inn!

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Image: Maybe Sammy

Tom - Social Media Manager


Describe your WFH space

I've got a couple of spaces to mix up my day but my main digs at the moment are in the living room - cosy vibes with my sofa, coffee table and perfect lighting.

Tom WFH Setup

What's your top WFH tip?

Definitely leave the house for any breaks.

What social account/platform is keeping you occupied?

@newyorknico on Instagram - he's the self-proclaimed, unofficial talent scout of New York City who documents the weird and wonderful people he runs into.


Have you picked up any new hobbies during iso?

I've been reading a bit more, mainly cook books.

What's your favourite hospo initiative/response to Coronavirus?

I think the venues making frozen, take-away packs of their favourite meals is a great idea.

When everything's back to normal, what venue will you visit first?

First place I'm going is Frango's Charcoal Chicken at Petersham for a feed, then probably The Bay Hotel & Diner down the road from my apartment for a beer (if I can get a seat)



Judy - Social Media Manager


Describe your WFH space

I've taken over the dining table as my workspace, where there's lots of natural light coming from the balcony. There's always water, tea and noise-cancelling headphones on the table - people sure love to mow their lawns. The fridge is about 5 steps away, making it hard to resist constant snacking.

What's your top WFH tip?

Use your lunch breaks to take a walk outside or do some exercise/stretches at home. There are so many videos on yoga, pilates, etc. on Youtube that are under 15 mins! As well as workout videos that use household items as exercise equipment, like this one that just uses your couch.

What social account/platform is keeping you occupied?

Instagram is often telling me I've already caught up with all posts within the last 3 days. It might be time to follow even more dogs. My favourite dog account is @wolfgang2242. Steve and his army of senior dogs + a pig and a turkey, what's not to love?




Have you picked up any new hobbies during iso?

Iso has been a good chance to revisit some old hobbies, I've dug up some dusty looking fabric paints and in search of some clothing to potentially destroy. Now that supermarkets are no longer stripped bare at the moment, I look forward to buying some adventurous ingredients and try cooking something new.

What's your favourite hospo initiative/response to Coronavirus?

Very happy to see DoorDash halve commissions until the end of May to Australian, Canadian and US markets, making it easier for local businesses to still offer delivery and stay afloat. Especially when other delivery platforms are refusing to do this at the time of writing.

When everything's back to normal, what venue will you visit first?

Belle's Hot Chicken is my idea of the perfect end-of-iso meal. It's indulgent, comforting, and tastes way better fresh & piping hot. Plus you need at least a few friends to demolish the baller bucket (and cry together while eating the "really f**kin hot" heat.)




Icey - Senior Graphic Designer

Describe your WFH space

There are quite a few people in my house so the safest and ideal working space for me is the bedroom, with my door closed. I prefer sitting at my desk. If I'm anywhere near my bed, nothing will ever get done.

Work From Home Sta

What's your top WFH tip?

Don’t forget to eat! I tend to forget the time when I’m doing stuff by myself, so I often end up starving. Set up an alarm for lunch and get off from your chair.

What social account/platform is keeping you occupied?

Does Netflix count as a social platform – No? Ok, I’m currently on YouTube mostly. I’ve been indulging on a lot of stand up comedy. The one that I really like is Trevor Noah. He has some of the funniest gigs ever. Plus he’s cute.

Have you picked up any new hobbies during iso?

Baking. So far, I have successfully made some cakes, tried them and still alive. I can't really cook so it’s a massive achievement. Not all of them taste great but the best one I've tried during this iso was the Korean style Sweet Potato Cake.


What's your favourite hospo initiative/response to Coronavirus?

Restaurants give away food to students and elderly people. I’m sure they are under a lot of pressure during this lockdown with dramatically less income and sales, yet they still manage to give to those less fortunate. It’s very heartwarming!

When everything's back to normal, what venue will you visit first?

I have been craving some good Viet food. You would probably see me at VN Street Foods in Marrickville eating Bun Cha as soon as this is over. 



Shauna - Graphic Designer


Describe your WFH space

I've been pretty lucky by sharing my partners home office and managed to nab myself a nice large desk right by a window. 

What's your top WFH tip?

Short walks outside every 90 mins help me with the next task ahead and also come up with fresh ideas. It’s also is a great way to time manage the day. Don’t forget to try and find a space with lots of daylight if you can!

What social account/platform is keeping you occupied?

It’s a never ending cocktail of @sainthoax for a dash of humour, @thechilltimes serving up self care and @tortikannuchka to visually stimulate my brain and keep the perfectionist anxiety within content.

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Have you picked up any new hobbies during iso?

Learning some more home cooking from mum and fine tuning my roasted pumpkin soup skills has been feeding the soul and stomach. I have been taking up walking a few kms on my days off at The Australian Botanic Garden near my home, documenting things I find interesting on my journey to also keep accountability of my fitness goals.

What's your favourite hospo initiative/response to Coronavirus?

My COVID-19 Smooth, Seamless (Transition) and Creative Award* goes to @10williamst. They adapted their business model like it was second nature right from the start and I think that their La Lotta Continua** approach helped make their customer base and social media following fall even more in love with them.
Hot Tip: Keep an eye on their instagram account for daily cellar door/auctions of fantastic wines.

*Completely fictional and property of my brain
** English translation: the struggle continues

When everything's back to normal, what venue will you visit first?

First Day of (food and drink) normalcy will look like the below:

Morning - Crown Street Grocer for my religious caramel cap that is impossible to replicate anywhere else!

Lunch - The Carrington for steak with fries and (mouth watering) red wine jus

Dinner - Butter for some fried chicken and champagne to toast to food freedom.

Dessert - Not regretting the caloric intake, not one bit.

bottomlessbrunch_01Image Source: Butter Sydney


Maddie - Junior Graphic Designer


Describe your WFH space

My desk is located in the sunroom which looks out onto the garden, so I have no complaints about location! Although the fridge is way too close, I’m surrounded by my favourite house plants which makes it an enjoyable space to be in.

What's your top WFH tip?

Use a productivity app! I have one called Flora. It’s based on the concept of planting a ‘tree’ for a chosen amount of time you want to focus for. You can’t exit the app in that time, or you’ll kill the tree. You can even put actual money into it to fund planting trees in real life. It gives you a weird amount of satisfaction and helps break your day up, while eliminating any potential distractions on your phone. Highly recommend!

What social account/platform is keeping you occupied?

I’ve been loving Pinterest for getting isolation inspo. It’s given me so many ideas for my spare time, such as DIY projects and recipes.

Have you picked up any new hobbies during iso?

I’ve done a 30-day yoga challenge which has gotten me into a good exercise routine, and have also taken a liking to gardening. Next on the list: learning to crochet.

What's your favourite hospo initiative/response to Coronavirus?

I’ve been loving the innovation of distilleries who have started producing hand sanitiser. I especially love the product by Headlands Distilling Co. located in the Illawarra, as they focus largely on sustainable production!



When everything's back to normal, what venue will you visit first?

I can’t wait to get back to the famous Hayden’s Pies in my hometown of Ulladulla. Like, I would literally drive two hours there and back right now, and it would be worth every second just for their gourmet roast mushroom, spinach and goat's cheese pie. A bliss burger at Pilgrim’s Café is also calling my name…



*PSA: Pilgrim's started in Milton, but you can now find them in Bronte, Cronulla, Corrimal and Huskisson because they're THAT good!


BD Woof & Fin - Head of Barketing



3 walks every day. Zoom meetings. Sun. Squishy toys. Seeing the cat.


Not getting all the pats in work.


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