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5 Easy Tips to Create an EDM Worth Opening

5 Easy Tips to Create an EDM Worth Opening

First things first, let’s clarify EXACTLY what we mean when we say EDM.

In the digital marketing sense, the acronym EDM stands for Electronic Direct Mail, not to be confused with EDM in the music genre sense, which stands for Electronic Dance Music…

Something that we’re sure is important in another industry, but somewhat unimportant (for lack of a better word) in the marketing field we know and love.

It’s safe to say that email marketing is a proven form of advertising that has well and truly stood the test of time. However, because of the rise of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc, it often gets overlooked and under-utilised. Email marketing is straight-forward way of keeping your audience engaged and interested, generating leads and converting business prospects.

Phone receiving a new email

A simple monthly EDM send to your company/venue/brand’s database is a quick and easy way of making sure that engaged audience is aware you’re still around. Imagine it like a monthly call to that great aunt that you might not want to speak with every day (y’know, time consuming) but enjoy touching base with to hear the run-down of recent life events. That’s all your audience want too, a reminder your brand still exists!

If you’ve been dedicating more and more resources to social media recently and aren’t seeing the results you anticipated, take a step back and give good ole’ reliable email marketing a red-hot go!

To help you get started, check out our 5 easy tips below:


1. Use an attention-grabbing subject line

Subject lines need to quickly grab your recipient’s attention. Keep it brief, keep it unique, stay away from over-used words and clichés and try to present your audience with a hook that will pique their interest enough to open the email to find more. 

2. Utilise imagery

Copy is great, and obviously essential in order to get main messages across, but don’t underestimate the cut-through of a great, high-quality image! Photos draw the eye instantly and provide interest and intrigue. Leading with an image (EDM header for example) is a top-notch idea to encourage readers to dive into the juicy content in the rest of the email.

3. Insert multiple links

In a nutshell; hyperlink EVERYTHING. Title? Link it. Word within a paragraph? Link it. Image? Link it. Call to action button? 110% link it. The more links you include, the more opportunities you are giving the user to visit your website.

4. Keep it short

Edit your EDMs with diligence. Long-winded emails with excessive (and unnecessary copy) will kill your readers’ interest. Cut the text down by half, stick to the point and keep it casual.

5. Have a crystal-clear call to action 

Tell your readers exactly what you expect them to do next, beating around the bush and being somewhat ambiguous is absolutely not welcome in email marketing, hit them with that command and leave the ball in their court i.e. BOOK NOW, SEE MENU, SUBSCRIBE TO OUR BLOG (see what we did there?)

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