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How Much Video Content Should You Be Using?

How Much Video Content Should You Be Using?

The use of video is undisputedly one of the biggest trends in the digital space and one of the most useful tools in your marketing toolbox. The increase of animated content across the web has been long evident and greatly welcomed with the introductions of stories, reels and Instagram video to compete with the rise of TikTok and the continued success of YouTube.

Why? In short – we're communicating more but writing less. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth ten thousand. This is because animated content can capture the attention of your audience in less than 1/10th of a second. 

What is video content and will it work for you? 

Video content is a very large umbrella term that can encompass anything from the latest cinematic masterpiece, a reel or even a GIF. Any moving content!  

The success of video marketing is undeniable. In a HubSpot survey, 66% of people said that they would prefer to watch a short video to learn about a product or service with the same survey noting that 54% of people prefer video content from brands they support. 

Instagram will even give you the boost you need to reach more customers by prioritising content that people are likely to spend more time on. Need more proof of the preference? Just look at your explore feed. Videos are afforded twice the space of a regular post.  

Video content is one of the easiest ways to increase your brand awareness and help customers connect with your brand personally. Behind the scenes videos can help give viewers a better sense of the people, processes or places that make you unique in a fun and approachable way while encouraging social engagement. 

Too little time? 

Learning the latest reel trend, hiring a filming crew or editing footage yourself can be either time consuming, expensive or both. But these obstacles don’t mean that video content is out of your reach. 

Small animations can be added to event posts to help them stand out in newsfeeds.



Or to bring a menu item to life!



Animated videos can also help communicate large amounts of information quickly or in a fun and bright way. 



So how much Video Content Should You Be Sharing? 

As much as you want! Some brands communicate with their customers exclusively through video content, some use none. The use of video content is expected to continue to grow with a Cisco whitepaper forecasting that 82% of all IP traffic for both business and consumer would be video traffic by 2022.

If you haven’t yet incorporated video content into your marketing strategy, there is no time like the present.   

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