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All About Naming Your Brand

All About Naming Your Brand

If you're starting a new business, or rebranding an existing one, naming your brand is a crucial step. It can be overwhelming to start this process, so we're here to help!

Continue reading to learn about the reasons why your brand name matters, some common naming trends, and an analysis of some big brand names.

Reasons why your brand name matters

So, what's in a name? Everything! When you think of anything in the entire world, the first thing you associate with it is the name.

Let's delve into the reasons your brand name matters to established the weight and value that it holds.

Naming by Distil for Lana

Naming and brand  development for Lana by Distil


First Impression

A brand name is often the first point of contact between a company and its audience. It sets the tone and creates an initial impression. A well-chosen brand name can convey professionalism, trustworthiness, and credibility, while a poorly chosen one may give off negative perceptions or cause confusion.

Tells a story

Everything about your brand, including the brand name, needs to hold the essence of your brand and become a part of the story you are telling. 

It serves as a powerful tool for conveying your narrative to customers, leaving a lasting imprint on their minds and evoking emotions.

Looks good

This may not be the most important reason, but it surely does matter. Some words just look better than others, and you don't want your audience getting fed up of looking at your brand name. A good looking brand name is also easier to work with for your design team.

Usage in brand logo, brand collateral and campaigns

A memorable brand name adds to your marketing and branding efforts. It serves as a focal point for advertising campaigns, social media engagement, and other promotional activities. A well-established brand name can also facilitate word-of-mouth marketing, as satisfied customers are more likely to recommend a brand they trust.

For instance, when collaborating with other brands, a powerful name could be what the customers from the extended remember and take with them.


Naming and brand  development for Meribella by Distil

Legal Reasons

We know you're not here for the tedious legalities of a brand name, so, TLDR: A unique brand name can be legally protected through trademarks, providing exclusive rights to use it in commerce and safeguarding against infringement by competitors. 


Naming trends

We don't recommend following naming trends and fads that are unnecessary. However, some naming trends have stood the test of time, and are being still being used today. These may be worth considering, if they make sense for your brand.

Somebody that I (used to?) know

Is your brand an ode to somebody, or perhaps yourself? Well then, we have good news for you. Brands named after people are very much in trend. In addition, they do have a personal touch like we discuss in Wendy's example below.

E.g., Bills, Arthur, Sean's, Tetsuya's and so many more.

One word only

Simple and no fuss, many choose to go the route of one word names for their brands. These tend to work out well if the chosen name is impactful and easy to remember.

E.g., Bennelong, Felix, Matteo, Quay, etc.

Foreign language magic

Anything translated to a foreign language sounds better, we kid you not. Try taking your shortlisted names and translating them to languages relevant to your business. Et voila, you have hit gold! But beware, this can often give the appearance of a more high-end product or service, which may not always align with your brand.

E.g., Palazzo Salato, Raja, Kurumba, etc.

The signature

If you're already a big name in the industry and want to make the brand name more unique, you can add your name to the brand. For example, I could name my restaurant "Delicious by Abby Tarkunde." It does make me seem famous, you have to admit.

E.g., Encore by Clare Smith and The Dining Room by James Viles.

The last names

If it comes down to it and you're just not able to think outside the box, here's the Hail Mary trend: pick a word + add a number or one of these words after it as the suffix: Social, Club, Bar, Hotel, Restaurant.

Want to mix it up? Add the word or number as the prefix!


Let's analyse some brands!

Let's talk about the big players and how their names have influenced their success and branding.


Okay, let's be honest here... Is Starbucks really popular for the coffee itself? I think you know the answer to that.

In addition to the brand positioning and aesthetic of the chain, the name itself plays a huge role in how the audience perceives Starbucks. The 'Star' and the 'Bucks' in the name may even be a factor in why people think the higher prices at the chain are justified.

Fun fact: Starbucks was named after a character in Moby Dick, Starbuck!

5 Key Lessons From Starbucks' Rebranding Exercise | Ecommerce Fastlane

Starbucks wordmark


While Wendy's is now a massive corporation, the name makes it feel personal and friendly. You know, like you're going to your mate Wendy's place for a burger or sandwich. 

This humanisation of the brand continues in different brand arenas, such as the copywriting on social media and roasting tweets on X. This helps in strengthening the brand and making it one worth remembering.


Super easy to remember: KFC. You never have instances of not being able to remember this name. Of course, we also know that it stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken, which is also quite strategic in the sense that it describes the entire product in the name itself. No imagination needed. 

Result: a lot of people instantly associate fried chicken with KFC.

Time to name your brand

Now that you know the importance and essentials of a brand name, it's time to get started on naming your brand.

Are you looking for some outside help? Bring in the big guns!

Learn more about Name Development services by Distil by clicking on the button below.

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